Thursday, September 27, 2012

Health Benefits Of Tea: Milking It Or Not

The Emperor's Himalayan lavender tea is popular at Washington, D.C.'s Park Hyatt Tea Room, but please don't put milk in it.

The Emperor's Himalayan lavender tea is popular at Washington, D.C.'s Park Hyatt Tea Room, but please don't put milk in it.

The Emperor's Himalayan lavender tea is popular at Washington, D.C.'s Park Hyatt Tea Room, but please don't put milk in it.

The idea that milk may diminish the potential heart-health benefits of tea has been a topic of some debate. Lots of us can't imagine black tea without a little dairy to cut the bitterness. But, according to this research going back to 2007, we might want to at least consider trying, say, a nice cup of green tea sans sugar or cream.

Why? Well to get to the bottom of this issue, last week I spent an afternoon at the Fifth International Scientific Symposium on Tea and Human Health, where I picked the brains of lots of researchers.

Turns out, there seems to be a consensus about one thing: Milk proteins can bind with the beneficial plant compounds known as flavonols in tea. (You may have heard these compounds referred to by specific names such as catechins.) And, according to some scientists, the binding may make it tough for the body to absorb the flavonols and get the health benefits.

There are lots of potential health benefits of tea. Take, for instance, weight maintenance. Rick Hursel of Maastricht University Medical Centre in Holland has published a review study that finds green tea may slightly increase metabolism.

"We've shown that green tea is able to increase your energy expenditure, so the amount of calories you burn, and also to increase the amount of fat you are burning," says Hursel.

Now, before you get too excited, it's important to point out that the weight loss effects are small and perhaps only fleeting. But Hursel says the interesting thing is that, in a separate study he published, he found that when milk is added to tea, the metabolic effects are inhibited. "Something happens which we don't want to happen," explains Hursel.

This effect has also been observed among scientists who study tea's influence on blood vessel health. Preliminary studies suggest that flavonols in tea play a role in helping to regulate blood pressure. But, again, the effect seems diminished when milk proteins are present.

Now, not all scientists are convinced that the effects of milk are strong enough to cancel out potential health benefits.

"There's no convincing evidence that milk is a problem," says Alan Crozier of the University of Glasgow in Scotland. He explains that teas are loaded with beneficial flavonols, and typically people only add a little milk to a cup of tea.

"The amount of milk is not going to greatly interfere with the way they're [catechins] absorbed," says Crozier. Milk proteins may slow down the process, "but there's no evidence that they cause irreversible binding." And his hunch is that the milk does not stop the bioactive compounds (catechins) from being absorbed.

There's another reason some people may avoid milk in their tea. For certified tea sommelier Robert Rex-Waller of the Park Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C., it's about enjoying the distinct flavors of teas on their own.

Rex-Waller oversees the tea program at the hotel, which serves 50 rare teas from all over the world and showcases the very finest in a glass tea humidor. He's learned to enjoy the taste of pure, green tea.

"There are some teas where I'd cringe a little if someone poured milk in," he says.

He suggests that people take a sip first, before adding any milk. But, he says, tea is for enjoyment people should just prepare their tea the way they like it. "Everyone has their own preferences."

Green tea sans milk and sugar may be a struggle in our society, which seems to have a communal sweet tooth and a penchant for cream. Even Starbucks serves up a sweetened green tea latte with steamed milk.

So here's one idea: If you prefer black tea with milk and sugar, drink it with breakfast.

Then, later in the day, try to add in a cup of green tea nothing added. - Research on Coconut Oil's Health Benefits - The Internet's 1 resource on the health benefits of coconut oil! Peer-reviewed research on coconut oil, as well as all the latest news regarding the ... Healthy Living - How To Information Healthy Living: Discover how to lose weight by drinking clean purified water. Find tips on staying healthy by eating foods from low fat and low carb diets to gluten ... Got milk? Real. Simple. Official Got Milk? website. Find TV commercials, recipes, interactive games and information on the health benefits associated with drinking real milk. Natural Health, Natural Remedies, Natural Cures, Natural News ... Discover natural health therapies proven to be safe and effective and backed by rigorous science - multiple double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled studies. Breastfeeding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Breastfeeding is the feeding of an infant or young child with breast milk directly from female human breasts (i.e., via lactation) rather than from a baby bottle or ... WHFoods: Green tea Green tea. All true teasas distinct from herbal and flower infusions, which afficiandos call tisanes, are made from the leaves of an evergreen tree with the ... Tea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring boiling hot water over cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The term also refers to the plant itself. Health Benefits Of... Health benefits of just so many things. :) ... What are the Health Benefits of Deadlift The deadlift is considered by powerlifters and bodybuilders to be the king of ... Health Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll - Alkaline Diet & Alkaline ... Describes the many benefits of using liquid chlorophyll for health, vitality and energy! Health Articles - Find Health Related Articles on Find Health articles at a free articles directory. Submit your articles for free distribution and find Health content for your website, Ezine or ...

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